Our newest “My Automated Home” story comes from Ian Gardner as well as his Domoticz powered wise home.
My house automation journey started around 12 years back with a single PC running Fedora Linux, motion and a single USB webcam viewing over my driveway.
It was all thanks to a good friend as well as work associate (Steve L) who influenced me to provide everything a try.
Over time I played with X10, utilized an original RFXCom receiver with xpl-perl as well as experimented with different HomeEasy devices. Over the years my configuration has altered as well as developed and currently appears like this…
HP N36L Microserver running VMWare ESXi (The heart of the system)
Several multi-purpose online machines running Ubuntu 14.04LTS
VM running Domoticz as well as OpenZwave
USB RFXCom (433MHz)
USB connection from Cyberpower UPS
USB noise Card with USB powered speakers for notifications
USB Aeotec Z-wave controller
Philips Hue Controller
5x Philips Hue Lux bulbs
Philips Hue Bloom lamp
Owl Intuition Controller
Owl Intuition-C – utilized to manage my heating – I don’t bother controlling hot water
Owl CM180 power clamp as well as display
Billion Bipac 7800DXL router, different switches, powerline AV adapters
Trendnet IP310TV cameras for safety and security (PoE)
Synology Diskstation DS115j (for CCTV archive footage)
Another Cyberpower UPS for the cameras
Z-wave Devices
Fibaro FMSS001 PIR
Aeotec Multisensor (not currently in use)
Fibaro FGSS101 Smoke Alarm
TKB SM103 Door Sensor (detect when front door is opened)
Vision ZD2102 Door Sensor wired as a doorbell
Fibaro Binary Sensor (later utilize planned)
TKB TZ88E energy measuring power sockets
RFX controlled/detected devices
Oregon scientific Themo/Humidity sensors
Oregon scientific rain Gauge
Oregon scientific Anemometer
Byron PIRs
Home simple remote managed sockets
Home simple light fittings
Home simple PIR
LightwaveRF Remote Controls
LightwaveRF mood Switches
Energenie LAN Power Strip
Wunderground to improve regional weather condition information
Sonos Play 1 – a relatively new addition as well as excellent device!
Obi 110 VOIP Adaptor – this enables me to get phone call history from my landline from a website as well as more…
Logitech harmony Hub/Remote
Raspberry Pi as well as Camera
Parts of the system have shown some genuine benefits as well as proven the “business case”:
Being off-the-sewage-grid (septic tank) I have a rather costly pumping station as well as although the heavy cast iron pumps can last years, one just recently burnt out.
I saw a sustained 1.2kW boost in home power usage as reported by the Owl CM180 which I traced to be one of the pumps however there was bit I might do to avoid its eventual demise – it’s thermal cut out didn’t save it as well as then bang.
So after costs £800 on a new pump I chose to invest £35 in a Z-wave power metering socket (TKB TZ88E) which instantaneously shows any type of modification in power usage i.e. when the pump is running – if the pump stays active for longer than 1 minute an email alert (I mean to modification to a push notification) is sent as well as I can remotely switch it off as well as examine the problem (e.g. a stuck float switch) decreasing the danger of one more £800 shed ut! I might likewise script it to power down however I will do that one more day…
Some people on the Domoticz forum cautioned that high power gadgets like pumps can overload such sockets however after numerous months of quite much everyday on/offs I have had no problems at all. I selected the plug-in 13amp choice as I wished to be able to quickly eliminate it later. I likewise utilize TZ88E’s somewhere else on a lamp as well as the TV/AV kit.
As well as remote power control, temperature sensing, etc. I utilize my configuration for the following:
The Trendnet IP cameras take excellent high quality 3MP snapshots when movement is detected on the driveway (Byron PIR) or when the doorbell is pressed. While these IP cameras have built-in movement detection as well as constant recording to the NAS it is really helpful to get the notifications offered from the PIRs. This is all triggered by a Domoticz lua script which in turn phone calls a shell script to get the snapshots.
The doorbell push plays an mp3 as well as sends a push message to my iPhone.
Philips shade is now offering my safety and security illumination while I likewise utilize a LightwaveRF mood controller to switch them on as well as off through Domoticz.
The Domoticz VM plays a dog-bark.mp3 on the USB noise card when movement is detected on the driveway – helpful to understand when organized or unplanned visitors arrive!
Related to the above I have a shell script that checks if home power usage is high soon before going to bed i.e. indicating a high power gadget has been left on – right here I play an mp3 data as a cautioning however oNCE igen kan snabbt ändra ett push -meddelande.
UPS: s gör en utmärkt uppgift att hantera mindre strömavbrott såväl som en rapporter när strömmen går förlorad samt föras tillbaka till en loggdata medan den andra skyddar synologin.
Jag har implementerat en enkel statisk HTML -tillståndssida för att spara kravet på att logga in på Domoticz när allt jag önskar göra är att inspektera de senaste uppfartfoton eller inspektera en sensor.
Så vad är nästa?
Jag kan ersätta ESXI -hållet med en nyare lågeffektserver som kör Ubuntu naturligt för att förenkla saker
Ändra skriptet för att stänga av pumparna istället för att bara berätta om dem!
Titta på node.js såväl som noderade (tack vare min goda vän samt associerade Brian B. för vägledningen här)
Implementera fibaro binär sensor med strål / brytsensorer på enheten som PIR kan falskt hitta rörelse
Få Aeon Labs PIR fungera – på batterimakt är det inte pålitligt så jag kräver att jag länkar till en PSU
Implementera skript på min router för att upptäcka när våra telefoner är hus såväl som kopplade till WiFi – existensdetektering!
Integrera Owl Intuition-C-För närvarande kan jag bara hantera via Owl-applikationen eller webbplatsen
Jag har på samma sätt börjat spela med Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon -prylar för att hitta existens, t.ex. Lägg en i bilen
Använd Sonos Play 1 för aviseringar
Implementera Blinkstick för aviseringar
Kanske utnyttja Raspberry Pi såväl som kameran
På en sista anmärkning skulle jag vilja säga tack vare Domoticz -forumindividerna såväl som olika andra webbresurser för att göra detta allt möjligt.
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